We keep hearing it: connections, and not Craigslist postings, are what will land us a job in this tight market. I'm not employed yet, so I can't swear that this is true. What is certain is that the more networking I do, the more I learn what I want to do and who is doing it (as well as what I don't want to do). I also meet interesting professionals, some of whom have taken time out of busy practices to answer questions over coffee and to recount their own triumphs and difficulties. This is a truly worthwhile way to inspire and clarify one's goals - and to keep gathering nuggets of legal knowledge while we await bar results.
That doesn't mean, though, that it's easy. Almost every letter I've sent, every call I've made, and every event I've attended has felt oddly risky, as if I'm asking too much or somehow getting overexposed. Also, if an interaction goes awkwardly or a request for an informational interview goes unanswered, it's not especially encouraging for the next round! It's a good time to tune up a personal "reset" button so we can forgive our stumblings and keep letting the world know we're interested.
Go to as many events as possible that relate to your professional interests. Send out requests for chats over coffee. Introduce yourself to the lawyer who just addressed the gathering. Contact your professor. When you put yourself out there and it goes well, it's nothing short of energizing - and sometimes it's the way to employment. So do it!
In Your Own Words is an opportunity for GGU School of Law students and alumni to share the wisdom they have gained from experience. If you would like to contribute a blog entry regarding your job and/or externship experiences or your job search, please email us or call 415 442-6625.