by LCS Counselors
Last month, LCS Career Counselors held over 150 Resume/Cover Letter drop-in review sessions to help students prepare for job searches and for Public Interest/Public Service (PI/PS) Day. To meet the demand, we even added more review hours to our schedule.
LCS noticed that those of you who came to the earlier sessions had the benefit of getting advice in time to rework your resume and cover letter first drafts and come back for more guidance. In contrast, the students who came on the last two days did not get to enjoy second or third level reviews of their materials. By starting the process earlier, some students had the added advantage of time to perfect their job search materials.
We are very aware that as law students, you are incredibly busy and that is why we strive to accommodate your scheduling needs. LCS posts events and deadlines on LCSonline, in Law School News and in our weekly e-newsletter. We strongly recommend that you set aside some career planning time weekly to check your email for updates on career panels, job and externship application deadlines, and any other time-sensitive information that may interest you. Notate these events and deadlines immediately into your calendar, and try to get started with anything that has a deadline as soon as you can.
Being on top of what’s going on and availing yourself of guidance and relevant resources early on allows you to take a more active role in your career planning and opens up more options to you. The more effort you exert at the front end, the better you can utilize available resources and the less overall stress you will experience. Taking hold of the steering wheel as a law student will prepare you to be a much more successful attorney in the future!