Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Never Too Early to Raise Your Profile as a Lawyer

"In today's fast-paced legal world, it is easy for young lawyers to convince themselves that they don't have time to worry about networking, raising their profile and creating a personal brand. Have you ever said anything like these statements to yourself? 'It already takes Herculean effort to meet the billable hour requirements around here. I'm not going to waste my time giving away free advice or hanging out with a bunch of schmoozers.' 'I went to a smaller firm so I wouldn't have to put on a game face. The partners here like my work, and that's enough.' 'The point of going in-house was so I wouldn't have to play politics and could have time for a life. I only need to keep my boss happy.' 'I'm just an associate. Clients aren't going to come to me anyway, so why bother?'"

Read It's Never Too Early to Raise Your Profile as a Lawyer.