The following books are now available to GGU Law alumni for checkout in Law Career Services:
Solo by Choice:
How To Be The Lawyer You Always Wanted To Be
by Carolyn Elefant
Solo By Choice is dedicated to every lawyer who ever wanted to run the show but worried that going solo was career suicide ... every lawyer who wanted to solo but didn't know how to set up the office and make it work ... every lawyer who never set foot in a courtroom but dreamed of one day practicing law their way. In short, this book is dedicated to becoming the lawyer you always wanted to be. More than 300 pages of solid, practical advice on these topics: Making the Great Escape ... Getting Started ... Setting Up Office ... Selecting Practice Areas ... Handling Clients ... Billing & Fees ... Generating Revenue ... Outsourcing ... Marketing in the Digital Era ... FAQ's on starting a firm from BigLaw, government, law school ... and Part-Time Options for parents. Lawyer/author Carolyn Elefant, Esq., (Cornell Law,1988), opened her law practice in 1993 after working at a federal agency and national law firm, and has since built a successful Washington DC-based practice whose focus is energy regulatory and enforcement law, appellate work and marine renewable energy. A champion of solos and small law firms, Elefant is a nationally recognized law blogger working to promote the benefits of solo and small firm practice as well as to improve the reputation of solos within the legal profession.
$olo Contendere:
How To Go Directly From Law School Into The Practice Of Law Without Getting A Job
by Marc Garfinkle
Some thirty years ago, Marc D. Garfinkle had just been graduated from Hastings and had passed the California Bar exam. He loved San Francisco. He loved the law. And he loved his independence. But he was broke. Already holding down one part time jobs as a private investigator and another one teaching and lecturing, Marc figured he only needed a few hours at lawyer’s rates to bridge the weekly gap and make a survival income. A year earlier, he had been going door-to-door in San Francisco’s worst neighborhoods selling fire alarms. Now, he would try to sell his legal services to lawyers and “civilians” alike. He started with the lawyers. Knocking on doors. Making new friends. Then, somehow, while no one was looking, a practice grew. Today, Marc Garfinkle is a civil and criminal trial lawyer with over thirty years of experience. He is Adjunct Professor of Persuasion and Advocacy at Seton Hall University School of Law and is on the teaching faculty of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA). He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa (Marietta College), the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the American Association for Justice (formerly American Trial Lawyers’ Association), and the Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA).
How to Start a Solo Law Practice
by Hal Davis
Practical, proven strategies and tips for starting a solo law practice, whether from a law firm, corporate or government practice, or straight out of law school. The author went directly from law school into solo law practice, after reading every book available on starting a law practice. After ten years of finding what worked and what didn't, he realized he had become a mentor for the new lawyer. The book is not so much to replace Jay Foonberg's excellent book, How to Start & Build a Law Practice, as to supplement it. The author found Foonberg's book lacking in such important areas as choosing an area of practice, marketing, and client management. Now in its third major revision, How to Start a Solo Law Practice provides even more practical and inspirational guidance for the lawyer looking to take the plunge into self-employment.
How To Start And Build A Solo Law Practice, 5th Edition
by Jay G. Foonberg
If you have a question about starting and growing your own law practice, or improving your existing solo or small firm practice, Jay Foonberg has the answers in this power-packed, updated, and expanded new edition. Learn it all from a practicing lawyer who provides you with real answers, for real practices, gained from real experiences. This classic ABA bestseller has been used by tens of thousands of lawyers as the comprehensive guide to planning, launching, and growing a successful practice. It's packed with over 600 pages of guidance on identifying the right location, finding clients, setting fees, managing your office, maintaining an ethical and responsible practice, maximizing available resources, upholding your standards, and much more. If you're committed to starting your own practice, this book will give you the expert advice you need to make it succeed.
High Impact Interview Questions
by Victoria A. Hoevemeyer
This guide to interviewing prospective job candidates suggests drawing on questions about the person's previous job experience to judge their abilities and future performance. Hoevemeyer describes Competency-Based Behavioral Interviewing and provides approximately 700 questions ranging from analytical skills and communication to decision-making and motivation. She also discusses follow-up questions, telephone screening interviews, creating forms, and compiling data. Hoevemeyer is an independent consultant in organizational development.