Career Advisor
In anticipation of the Careers in Real Estate and Land Use Panel on Tuesday, September 21, I caught up with panel member Anne Epperly of Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP. Here is what she has to say about law students and young lawyers looking to practice real estate law.

I really enjoyed first year property while in law school but I was more interested in litigation than transactional work. My law firm, Luce Forward, has a specialized Real Estate and Environmental Litigation (REEL) practice group and while I was a summer associate I really clicked with the lawyers in the REEL group. So, during my first year as an associate, I found myself naturally working with the REEL practice group more than other practice group at the firm.
Did you take any classes in law school that you prepared you for the real estate practice, or are there any you wish you took?
Real Estate Transactions and Advanced Real Estate Transactions
Is practicing real estate law different from what you expected?
Of course practicing any type of law is different than the law school experience, but I can't say I had any preconceptions about how my day-to-day practice would look.
What is one piece of advice you wish an attorney would have told you while you were in law school?
Take clinics if they are available; try to participate in externships; keep in touch with professors (particularly adjunct) as they can serve as mentors in the future. Strong mentors are invaluable in a legal career.
Come hear more from Anne and four other impressive real estate and land use attorneys at Golden Gate University School of Law on Tuesday, September 21 from 5:15 to 6:15 pm in room 4208.