Tuesday, May 31, 2011

NALP E-guides: Effective Email Strategies for Law Students & Lawyers

by Susanne Aronowitz
Associate Dean for Law Career Services

We all use email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other electronic forms of communication on a daily basis, but few of us stop to make sure that our messages support the professional identity we want to create. NALP has developed a series of e-guides on e-Professionalism to help law students understand the unique responsibilities they have when communicating online. Over the course of the summer, we will share these guides with you.

The first guide, "Effective Email Strategies for Law Students and Lawyers," is a must-read before you send that next email message to your professor, employer, or networking contact. In the course of writing the guide, I reflected on many of the pitfalls I observed students falling into while highlighting strategies that students used to create a positive impression on the reader.