Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Catching a Glimpse Into Law Practice: Two Outstanding Opportunities

by Michelle Queirolo
Grad Fellow
Friday, March 27 Join LCS for a private tour and conversation at the General Assistance Advocacy Project (GAAP) or the Office of the San Francisco City Attorney.

General Assistance Advocacy Project (GAAP) is a prestigious non-profit corporation based in San Francisco that helps homeless and marginally housed San Franciscans to obtain public benefits. GAAP also provides free legal assistance and counseling in areas regarding collection disputes, clearing old out-of-state warrants to enable the continued receipt of public benefits, and assistance with landlord-tenant issues. In addition, GAAP provides individuals with resources such as blankets, free clothing vouchers, etc. to support members of the community.

The Office of the San Francisco City Attorney provides legal services to the Mayor, Board of Supervisors, San Francisco Unified School District and 94 other departments, board, commissions and offices of the City and County of San Francisco.

Tours will meet at LCS at 2:45 and travel to the respective offices via public transportation. Students must rsvp on LCSonline in the “Events” tab by March 25.