LCD Graduate Fellow
Law Career Development congratulates GGU 3Ls Rena Sera and Shavonte Keaton on winning the honors as The California Bar Foundation’s 2016 3L Diversity Scholars. This year, more than 100 3L students applied for just 15 slots. You can view bios and photos of all of this year’s 3L Diversity Scholars here. The program supports diverse California students “who will one day be leaders of our profession.”

The program awards a $7,500 scholarship to diverse law students throughout the state to help defray the costs of their 1L year. Any diverse student who will matriculate in a California law school this Fall 2016 is eligible. For more information and to apply, click here.
In addition, you can now apply for the 2017 Baker Donelson Diversity Scholarship. Baker Donelson, a national firm with offices throughout the U.S., is “committed to fostering an inclusive environment where the individual differences among us are understood, respected, appreciated, and recognized as sources of strength of the firm. These qualities enrich the environment in which the firm works. With this in mind, Baker Donelson will again award three scholarships to diverse law students who will complete their first year of law school by June 2016. Recipients will be awarded a six-week, salaried 2L Summer Associate position for the summer of 2017 in one of the firm’s offices. Additionally, each recipient will be awarded $10,000 which will be paid prior to the student’s third year of law school to help defray the cost of law school tuition and related expenses.” For more info and to apply, click here. The application deadline is June 17.
Also in play right now is the Bay Area Legal Aid Fellowship (application deadline: July 1). BayLegal invites rising third year law students and recent law school graduates to propose innovative fellowship projects for submission to Equal Justice Works, Skadden, Soros Justice Fellowship Program, and/or similar programs for 2016-2018. Project ideas should relate to one or more of BayLegal’s substantive priority or project areas. Candidates may create their own proposal related to one or more of these areas, where fellows will be expected to develop substantive area expertise, provide direct representation to clients and work on innovative solutions including writs and appeals. BayLegal will also gladly assist candidates to design a project consistent with the candidate's own interests and the needs of our community. Please contact if you have questions about designing a project. For more info and to apply, click here.
And, of course, scholarship opportunities are frequently posted in the “Job Postings” section on LCDonline, so check there for upcoming opportunities. Finally, to view additional scholarships granted throughout the year, you can view the Law School News archive and browse each issue to see what’s coming up.